Language consultancy

Language consultancy work for public authorities and private organisations

We can help you analyse the language picture at your organisation and orient your language management strategy via the following services:

  • Diagnostic analysis of the language situation at your organisation.
  • Design, monitoring and assessment of a Basque language plan.
  • Management of Basque language services and ongoing language consultancy.
  • Language planning in line with the BIKAIN model.
  • Preparation, implementation and monitoring of language criteria & guidelines.
  • Analysis of communications by staff at the organisation and training.
  • Management of the provision of Basque language acquisition and literacy training.
  • Review and adaptation of the language of documents used by the organisation.
  • Communication plans.
  • Style guides for organisations.

Initiatives to foster the use of basque in social setting

Apart from the services mentioned above, HORI-HORI SA offers technical assistance and services for increasing the use of Basque at public institutions and social organisations with a view to encouraging its use in a variety of settings:

  • Sectoral plans for fostering the use of Basque (in trade, sports, the socio-economic sector, etc.).
  • language leadership skills among heads of planning and behaviour patterns to be followed by employees (motivation sessions, sessions aimed at changing language habits, etc.).
  • Interactive sessions with the target groups of the plans (retailers, sports coaches, members of associations) and ongoing assessment for them.
  • Management of projects under the Berbalagun line.